2021 Updates!
-Dr. Rebecca Deyo and her husband Dr. John Deyo are expecting a baby girl end of February! Her last day is Thursday, January 28th and she will return from maternity on Saturday, June 5th. Schedule now to see her before she leaves!
- We are excited to welcome Dr. Danielle Abitz to HFC! Please click on this link to learn more about her! She is currently working Monday - Friday and has every other Wednesday off. We are still working with insurance companies to get her in every network so please check before scheduling with her! GET TO KNOW DR DANIELLE!
- Besides our texting line, we now have live online scheduling for your convenience! Click on this link and save it to your device! Your appointment will need to be confirmed so please do not assume you are set until you get a confirmation email! At this time the system cannot text this! ONLINE SCHEDULER
-The last year has been very hard on us due to COVID. We had many insurance processing delays caused by both the insurance companies and our own staffing limitations. We have not sent out statements in nearly a year. If you have been in recently, we have tried to explain to you or provide a statement and catch up a balance. If you haven't been in for quite awhile and you get a statement, we apologize for the delay but please work with us and give us grace as we try and catch up. Small businesses have struggled this last year, that includes HFC. Thankfully, we have stayed open with the help of the government PPP programs. Thank you again for your support!
- Due to COVID, Inspire Yoga Studio fully closed and our books are officially closed. Refund money was limited and has since been exhausted and no longer available. We sincerely apologize for those of you who paid last February or March and came in only a short time. Thank you for supporting us these last eight years.
-On a final note! Dr Hartman's family adoption was finalized in April and the two brothers they were fostering officially became Hartman's! Thank you for your support and prayers! James John "JJ" and Timothy Scott are doing great; big brother, Ryan, loving having two brothers to live life with by his side!